Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Online Programming Sites & Resources

Online Programming Sites & Resources

1.Programming judgment sites:

The following list of programming judgment sites help you to practice programming.By these site you can submit any problem from list of problemvolumes and these site judge your submitted problems & finally give you  a massage  accept or wrong ,also give  a world ranking position of you.These  site are really interesting for your better performance on programming.
  1.   www.uva.onlinejudge.org 
  2.   www.spoj.pl
  3.   www.lightoj.com
  4.   www.codeforces.com
  5.   www.codechef.com
  6.   acm.tju.edu.cn/toj
  7.   www.topcoder.com
  8.   code.google.com/codejam  

2.Programming Helpers sites:

The following site are more helpful for  any kind of help during programming.They gives you a lot tricks & tips,hints, checking the sample output respect to the corresponding sample input to get positive answer.

3. Programming Resources site:

The following list of site will provides  a lot of resources relating to various problems that you may face during solving a problem.
  1.   www.knowledgediarybd.com
  2.   www.acmsolver.org
  3.   www.stackoverflow.com
  4.   www.cplusplus.com

4.Online Compiler (mobile users can also use it)

Here is a list of some online compiler that helps you to compile a  program code at any time & from any where.You can also use your mobile device  to compile a program code with internet connection.
  1. www.codepad.org
  2. www.ideone.com
  3. www.onlinecompiler.net

5.Others important Site:

Note:More interested things are waiting to publish..Stay connected to us..

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